Friday, October 22, 2010

My Movie Fave Pick of the Week

I am an avid movie watcher and have so many movies I truly love watching and could watch again and again. So every week or so I will share a few of my fave's maybe one of you will pick one watch it and it become one of your faves as well

This weeks pick: Pan's Labyrinth

Set in 1940's Spain against the postwar repression of Franco's Spain, a fairy tale that centers around Ofelia, a lonely dreamy child living with her mother and adoptive father who is a military office tasked with "ridding the area" of military rebels. In her loneliness, Ofelia creates a world with fantastical creatures and secret destinies. With facisim at its height, Ofelia must come to terms with with her world through a fable of her own creation.

This movie has everything a good movie plot line should have. Strong characters, suspense, moral value and an edge of your seat drama that will stun anyone, it is an A+ must see!


The battle has been raging for three days and both sides are exhausted. The battlefield Jina is wrenched with ooze and fluids, barely recognizable to the peaceful serenity it used to be.

The enemy Bacterius Fluis refuses to back down, but the Army Immune System remains relentless in their fight in the typical battle of good versus evil.

The war wages on, however Battlefield Jina is soon to be won, the Army Immune system has gained an strong ally; Dayquil and Nyquil have come from surrounding countries to aid in this rescue mission. Bacterius Fluis does not stand a chance....

As I have so colorfully portrayed above, I am currently suffering from what most people would call the common cold, but I would like to call this ailment "Kill me please", because thats exactly how I feel! Like hot delicious death and I feel someone should drag me to an open pasture and put me out of my misery. Now you all know that I am a drama queen...and when I am sick its heightned by 600!

And the kicker to this whole situation is that literally 24 hrs before I got my coveted FLU SHOT, i got sick. and you bet your yang I still got that shot. Do I believe I have the flu? negative, but because the internet tells me I dont, please reference link below to know the difference between the flu and the cold

Now A days you can pretty much self diagnose anything, I am not paying a copay for NOTHING!
If arms or legs are not falling off, Ill self diagnose, THANK YOU!
I am just going to tough out this funky bug until I am better. Until then its chicken soup, blankies, and whining...

Sunday, October 17, 2010

A haircut away....

Recently I made the decision to cut my hair. I've never been a big fan of short hair but because I have a "round" face it works for me and my face shape. Before I made the decision to cut my hair, I had been dead set on growing it out. When I was a kid my mom made it a point to make my hair grow as long as possible, I had a pony tail that reached the middle of my back. But as I have gotten older I have decided that short hair is not only more managable, but also more flattering. I guess you can say I look...grown...or something like that.

I cut off a grand total of 2 inches off, I figured if I was going to cut it, I wanted it to be noticable. After I cut off my hair, dried my locks and applied all necessary product to keep it from doing its crazy magic trick...afro, I just stared in the mirror analyzing the reflection staring back at me.

If anyone knows me, I am fairly confident person, sure of myself and my convictions. But like anyone else, I also have my insecurities as well. If you didnt know, I recently have lost over 27lbs and for anyone who has lost any kind of significant amount of weight, its a hard adaption to letting go of the person you used to be.

Staring into that mirror I saw myself so differently. Recently I also go grey contacts so seeing my image its like looking at a whole new person. To be honest, did I like what I saw? Yes, I guess you can say that I did, but it was like truly seeing myself for the first time. Realizing, that even without the weight and the contacts and the cute haircut...I was me, and I liked what I saw.

Self acceptance is a hard learned emotion, but for once I got a sweet taste of it. For once I could look in the mirror and say "jina, you truly are beautiful", not in that narcasistic way, but in the way where for once I could walk outside and be happy with how I was, the world be damned.

I am not perfect, never claimed to be, but even if I was, How boring would that be?

God Bless Guys!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Confessions of a shopaholic

They say that admitting that you have a problem is the first, I am not going to put all my business on front street, but perhaaaaaps....I might have a slight problem.

ALRIGHT ALRIGHT DAMN IT, I have an addiction.

(standing up)

Hi my name is Jina Price and I have a shopping problem.

There! I said it! HAPPY?? HAPPY???

ok ok let me call down.

So as I am sitting here staring at my old navy, dillards, kohls and target bag, I realize that Yes, I do have some shopping issues. But its not like I am buying that I dont need!!!

I mean come on, who doesnt need a Jessica Simpson travel carry on? or So suede boots. Its winter time and they will be very useful.

I think we all have our little vices and shopping just happens to be mine.

I wish I could explain the feeling I get when I find just the right bargain, its like a rush...a High.

Its my little pleasure in life that perhaps I indulge in a little too often.

So today I make the pledge to calm down on my shopping keep from buying more than can fit into my closet and No i do not need 30 pairs of shoes

After I order this stuff from

I pledge this!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

You Light up my Life

Rolling over in my comfy bed, I rub my sleepy eyes. Yawn and stretch....another start to another day, as I lay there and ponder the new days happenings an amazing revelation comes to me. I have something very great to look forward to! I get to see the new love of my life today...HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY!!!

I have to tell you about my new love, I cant say enough really! He's simply.....amazing, yes amazing thats the world I will use. He is sweet as can be with a very soft side, He can always put me in a place where I find utter elation. When I feeling that bubbly feeling in the bottom of my tummy, he can always ease that feeling, he has those mystical powers. I would have to say he truly is the highlight of my day.

Who could this mystery man be, you ask? Oh Ill show him to you!
Introducing the new man in my Life:

(drum roll inserted here)

NUTELLA.........Yea....had you fooled didnt I?
Though he may not see much to you, he is EVERYTHING to me!
This miracle spread made from the nectar of the Gods has been a heaven send straight to my hazelnut chocolate loving heart.
If you didnt know, I am going to tell you, Ferrero Rochers just happen to be my most favoritest candy in ALL the world. (if you have never had one, your dead to me!....kidding..not really). And from the makers of Ferrero comes this amazing spread that I, personally, like to accompany with a nice piece of soft honey wheat bread makes my mornings heaven.

I literally look forward to going to work to have my Nutella and bread (yea its little things for me ok!), nothing can make me right again.

I had heard about Nutella through commercials (personally it looked like jarred dog shit) and it never looked all that appealing to me. BUT do not let appearance fool you, this spread is a gold mine of tastiness. Also after reading a fellow bloggers blog of the delicious Nutella( ), I was sold, I went to wal-mart and snagged my jar...I have been devoted ever since.
Nutella, You had me at Hello!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Waiting on Prince Charming

I'll sit in my darkened room, silently upon my bed
I'll lay against my pillows while those thoughts cross through my head

Will you come across the yard and throw a stone up at my window?
or will you send flowers to my work with a letter that just says "hello"?

Prince Charming will you rescue me from the loneliness I feel
Ive waited for you for quite some time and Im wondering, are you real?

Im beginning to think that Love is just a story that they tell
A fictional dream they tell little girls, a fable just a myth.

Save me Prince Charming, on your horse white and strong
Cause I've waited, yes Ive waited and its been very long

Ill curl into my comfy bed and I'll dream of you tonight
tears drop fall upon my pillow, even though holding back with all my might.

Prince charming, you dont exsist for me tonight.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Fire Pits and Family

Nothing screams the oncoming of Autumn like one of my Aunt Rachels famous backyard Firepits and tonight was no exception to that rule!
Whenever the weather gets just right it gives us the reason to Cozy up to my Aunt Rachels large metal firepit and bring out the hotdogs and smores.

Tonight was just a touch different, my Grandfather, bless his little elderly soul, decided to spice things up by making a big heaping pot of Gumbo to go with our firepit. It was a glorious sight to be hold for sure. Someone topped it all of by bring Jalapeno Cornbread, amazing is all I can say about the food.

Not only though is the good, but the company, these amazing firepit nights would never been as special if I didnt have the family to go with it. We have fanstatic debates on current topics, we giggle about past memories, or just sit around and make poke fun at those who just happen to become a target. Its all innocent harmless fun.

Its so heartwarming to know that I have such an amazing family who can do the littlest things but it becomes such a bonding event. I am truly blessed and my family is one of my biggest blessings.

I brought my friend Anthony with me and I was so glad he was able to mesh so well with everyone. Of course I got the never ending boyfriend probing questions and I could only reassure them that I have not yet reached the point of desperation that would draw me to date a 20 year old. But in all seriousness he, like every other person I have allowed to accompany me to a family function, was overwhelmed at how big and close we all our. Its our dynamic, the glue that holds us all together, when times get tough, our bong gets tougher. Not everyone has what we have and we never fail to forget that.

One Large Metal Firepit=$300.00
Lawnchairs=19.99 each
family sized Nathan brand Hot Dogs=10.99
Loving family and friends around a fire=priceless

Home Invaders Part Deux

Though I dont normally post Part Deux, I feel this blog deserved to bear the same title. So on to the blog....

After a particularly rough day at work and gym, I did a little grocery shopping. I came home and while innocently unpacking my grocery, I was startled to find that I was not alone. Actually I was scared pissless....yes thats the depiction i would like to use, scared pissless...(and for those of you who know me...scared pissless is something that rarely ever happens). I looked up to find a pre-pubescent man child standing in front of me, watching me unpack my store bought delights.

remarkably my only response was "....uuuh, hey little guy, you lost?", YEA good response right?

the response back I got was "Mr. Price (my father) wanted me to tell you that he is in the basement, and Hi!"

Lets all keep in mind, A) I still have no idea who this person is B) why would I care where my dad is at???

Before I could get any questions out to this lil/big person, he scurried back down to one said basement.

After unpacking all my wears, my curiosity go the best of me, so I decided to investigate.

Once entering our Den, I found my father, mother and one said man child all parked on the couches....HOW COZY.

Then it all came to me who this child was and hence why my parents were home. Then I got the warm and fuzzies (ill explain the warm and fuzzies).

I joined my family and decided to watch the movie it seemed that they were all hunkering down to watch (just as a side note, Clash of the Titans is an ok movie, but the original is much better).

So to explain the warm and fuzzies, the man/child (i call him this because his 13, no quite a child and not yet a man) we will call him charlie*, is a student of a local school here that is a military school, some children are sent there due to behavioral issues or some would call it a boarding school. whatever the case maybe, my father just happens to be one of the sponsers there. He brought Charlie* home because my parents are sponsor parents and they feel they can be positive influences on his life, which is amazing. My parents never fail to amaze me!

I think there arent enough people out there trying to make a difference in kids lives and thank God my parents are one of them. I'd like to think of Charlie* as my newly adoptive brother.

At one point of the night, I was razzing my dad, which happens on a regular basis, I mentioned to Charlie* that I am the favorite so I can get away with that. Charlie* looks at me, then at my dad and mom and says "well now I am the favorite"..........Sadly I had to beat him, and shake him down, reminding him to know his place and that NOONE is the favorite but me!

LOL just kidding....not really

*names have been changed due to personal information