Recently I made the decision to cut my hair. I've never been a big fan of short hair but because I have a "round" face it works for me and my face shape. Before I made the decision to cut my hair, I had been dead set on growing it out. When I was a kid my mom made it a point to make my hair grow as long as possible, I had a pony tail that reached the middle of my back. But as I have gotten older I have decided that short hair is not only more managable, but also more flattering. I guess you can say I look...grown...or something like that.
I cut off a grand total of 2 inches off, I figured if I was going to cut it, I wanted it to be noticable. After I cut off my hair, dried my locks and applied all necessary product to keep it from doing its crazy magic trick...afro, I just stared in the mirror analyzing the reflection staring back at me.
If anyone knows me, I am fairly confident person, sure of myself and my convictions. But like anyone else, I also have my insecurities as well. If you didnt know, I recently have lost over 27lbs and for anyone who has lost any kind of significant amount of weight, its a hard adaption to letting go of the person you used to be.
Staring into that mirror I saw myself so differently. Recently I also go grey contacts so seeing my image its like looking at a whole new person. To be honest, did I like what I saw? Yes, I guess you can say that I did, but it was like truly seeing myself for the first time. Realizing, that even without the weight and the contacts and the cute haircut...I was me, and I liked what I saw.
Self acceptance is a hard learned emotion, but for once I got a sweet taste of it. For once I could look in the mirror and say "jina, you truly are beautiful", not in that narcasistic way, but in the way where for once I could walk outside and be happy with how I was, the world be damned.
I am not perfect, never claimed to be, but even if I was, How boring would that be?
God Bless Guys!
Holy cow good for you girl!! I thought you were beautiful before and you're definitely still beautiful!! You're going to have to help me with some weight loss pointers after I have this baby! Seriously. You amaze me :D