Friday, April 22, 2011

Me and My big mouth

Sometimes I just think to myself...Jen, you just need to keep your big mouth shut!

While in training the other day, My co-worker and I were chatting about nothing and everything. For some reason the conversation lead over to car accidents and how long ago it had been since we had ever been in one. Unfortunately for my co-worker she had been victim to one not so long ago that caused major damage to many of her lower vertebrae, but thankfully she is still recovering from that and made it through alive. This leads to my utterly stupid response "oh, its been YEARS since I've been in a car accident (this does not count the reversing into another car issue I had one night in aggieville, there was no damage and it was a baby tap, don't judge me!) and I'm hoping it keeps going that way"......

That was it, no "KNOCK on WOOD" no, "God willing", my stupid idiot self just left it at that, with that bad JU JU just floating in the air, ready to wheeled out its damage.

So I leave work with my usual carefree attitude, without a care in the world. It was typical 5:00 traffic in a construction zone. Streets were congested and I was sitting in a long line of cars at a red light. The light turns green and the car in front of me pulls off and just as I am about to accelerate, BOOOOOM!!!! right from the rear I get hit......................

Coincidence, I THINK NOT!!! That bad JU JU followed right into 5:00 traffic.

This ended up being a three car accident with me at the forefront of the line. Though I was not at fault for any of it, I still felt anger to the very tips of my toes.

Come to find out, everyone involved worked at the same place. How the HELL can I get mad when everyone involved is a damn coworker....le sigh, let me simmer.

After exchanging information, waiting 20 minutes for the cops (lucky no one was dying!) and a battle with my insurance company, I was on my way home a little worse for wear.

This story is just a prime example that you should just keep your mouth shut when it comes to piping off on the last time something happened to you and make sure you Knock on some damn wood!

~*Much Love my Bloggers*~

The Forbidden Fruit....

Living in the city has brought on some fun and interesting life experiences. I guess you can say that maybe my mindset is starting to alter a bit. Meeting new people has begun to open up a new world to me.

So dating in the city has been an interesting trek, it has had its up and downs, but overall interesting is the only word I can attach to it.

I had many rules that I had set for myself when it came to dating, guidelines that I sort of followed. But I think that that held me back. It kept me from truly being able to truly enjoy the world of dating because I held it to some kind of standard. Now I'm saying that I have lowered my expectations nor have I changed my standard as in changing what I expect from my partners. BUT what I have done is broadened my horizons so's to speak.

One of my most highest on high rules has been that I shall not date or engage in "activities" with younger men. I always felt like it was going back on the intellectual scale.

Now, I know that sounds harsh, but as all us women know, men only get better with age......OR so I thought.

Keep in mind, that I still hold the mentality that when it comes to having a relationship, an older man is really the way to go. BUT to truly regain your fun, enthusiastic love life, you really have to dabble back in the age. Lets face it, these kids know how to have fun!

(I know that this blog either makes me sound old or a pedophile, but just let me tell my damn story).

I recently have snagged me one of these younger man species and believe me I was skeptical at first BUT I will hand it to him, He had the spunk, the fire and the eager to please attitude I wish half of the men older than him had. Now I know what the storyline meant truly in "How Stella Got Her Groove Back". Even though this gentleman was only 7 years my Junior, it felt good to know that I was able to hook line and sink a younger man.

Eventually ill meander back to my age bracket, but for now....ill have my fun :) hahahaha

~* Much Love my Bloggers*~

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Puppy Predictions

I know it seems like I have been apologizing alot for not posting blogs but....I apologize for not posting blogs, alot has been going on and its been tough keeping up with the Jonses.

This blog is actually going to be dedicated to my puppy predictions.
Thats right kids, It has been confirmed that Saydee is in deed pregnant. What brought me to this conclusion...what I would say it was the over grown dog belly, or perhaps the giant dog teets, or maybe the nesting that has been taking place.

We are offically into Day 50 of the 64-69 day Pregnancy, time flies when your

I honestly have no idea what size to expect, its either going to be a big litter with regular size puppies or a small litter with large puppies. So many possibilities.

The colors are also the biggest mystery. I have posted below pictures of the colors of dad and a picture of Saydee and then below what my litter color predictions are, we will compare later to see if my predictions were correct.


Puppy Predictions

These three little guys are pretty much my guesstament on what Saydees babys should look like, im hoping!

I will, fortunately, be taking a week off in May so that I can literally sit at home and wait for Saydee to go into labor. She has her baby pool nesting area set up, fully equipped with heating pad and blankets.

Its so interesting to be able to watch Saydees belly and actually see the babies move, creepy, but cool.

again, i will keep you as updated as I can with the babies impending birth and also load pictures after they are here.

*~Much Love my Bloggers~*

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Who am I to say

Love of my life, my soulmate You're my best friend Part of me like breathing Now half of me is left Don't know anything at all Who am I to say you love me I don't know anything at all And who am I to say you need me Color me blue I'm lost in you Don't know why I'm still waiting Many moons have come and gone Don't know why I'm still searching Don't know anything at all And who am I to say you love me I don't know anything at all And who am I to say you need me Now you're a song I love to sing Never thought it feels so free Now I know what's meant to be And that's okay with me But who am I to say you love me And who am I to say you need me And who am I to say you love me I don't know anything at all And who am I to say you love me I don't know anything at all And who am I to say you need me I don't know anything at all

Saturday, April 2, 2011

My Mental workout

Living in Topeka has presented a few challenges to me. Don't get me wrong, I'm a challenge loving girl as much as the next and I attack my challenges head on. I have found that moving to a town where you know absolutely no one presents some issues when it comes to trying to fill up your time on the weekends that you get off. Its not like I can just pick up the phone and just call someone and invite them to hang out because...I know no one. SOOOOO...with the weekends that I have, I have tried to fill them with exploring my city and all the great things it has to offer. Today I plotted my trip to the local library. No keep in mind, coming from small town salina, I didn't have high hopes for this trip, our library back at home had much to be desired. I cant say the same for the Topeka Library, to be honest the moment I walked in, I was sure I was even in a library at all, it was like walking into a museum. It had a large spiraling staircase and marble floors, gorgeous wood paneling and high, high ceilings. It was in other words "beautiful". I promptly signed up for a library card, which again, unlike salina didn't require the name of my first born child and my blood type. It took 1 minute and I was on my way to book heaven. Amongst the many many different sections of the library, there was a cafe, art gallery and a genealogy station. I spent 2 1/2 hours and walked out with 5 books (max check out was 99 books, HOLY SCHMOLIES). I have an intense love for reading, but had kind of lost touch with that. Today I found that love again....and it was good LOL. I spent the day at the park on a blanket with pseudo-preggers Saydee, Pandora radio and a great book by my favorite author Sandra Brown. I realize that I don't always have to find something new in the city, maybe just rediscovering what I already loved doing just in a new environment. ~*Much Love My Bloggers*~

He is always listening...

Sorry everyone, I know I have been slacking on my blogging duties and I refuse to make I wont and I'll move on to typing this joyous blog. Lately I have been at a crossroads with my career, it always felt like I had stale-mated at my job and I needed something more. You know its bad that when the moment a new internal job posting comes out and your anywhere close to the qualifications you find yourself hitting the submit application button. Yea, that was me for sure. I have wanted more and moved to Topeka for the exposure to more positions. I found myself praying to God for guidance or an opportunity (and I know that that's not how God works, He doesn't just grant wishes like some Genie in a bottle). Well three days ago my two supervisors call me into a meeting room for some SUPER SECRET meeting, which just sent me into a crazy panic attack and scrounging for a box big enough to carry the crap from my desk in. Once I entered the meeting room I found two of my other co-workers in the room as well....GREAT DOWNSIZING, that's 3 of us getting voted off the island. I apprehensively entered the meeting, but soon found out the true meaning behind the meeting. We were all being promoted onto a new skill set ( I am not going to try and explain skill sets, because your heads would explode), which basically meant we all got promotions!!! I was beaming from ear to ear and I did a happy dance (and yes it was embarrassing, if any of you have seen me dance, you know why). It was as if God knew exactly what I needed and filled it, which of course He did and God always delivers. God is sooo good and I am feeling more blessed than ever. I start training in two weeks and I cant wait. I will keep you all posted as training progresses ~*Much Love my Bloggers*~