While in training the other day, My co-worker and I were chatting about nothing and everything. For some reason the conversation lead over to car accidents and how long ago it had been since we had ever been in one. Unfortunately for my co-worker she had been victim to one not so long ago that caused major damage to many of her lower vertebrae, but thankfully she is still recovering from that and made it through alive. This leads to my utterly stupid response "oh, its been YEARS since I've been in a car accident (this does not count the reversing into another car issue I had one night in aggieville, there was no damage and it was a baby tap, don't judge me!) and I'm hoping it keeps going that way"......
That was it, no "KNOCK on WOOD" no, "God willing", my stupid idiot self just left it at that, with that bad JU JU just floating in the air, ready to wheeled out its damage.
So I leave work with my usual carefree attitude, without a care in the world. It was typical 5:00 traffic in a construction zone. Streets were congested and I was sitting in a long line of cars at a red light. The light turns green and the car in front of me pulls off and just as I am about to accelerate, BOOOOOM!!!! right from the rear I get hit......................
Coincidence, I THINK NOT!!! That bad JU JU followed right into 5:00 traffic.
This ended up being a three car accident with me at the forefront of the line. Though I was not at fault for any of it, I still felt anger to the very tips of my toes.
Come to find out, everyone involved worked at the same place. How the HELL can I get mad when everyone involved is a damn coworker....le sigh, let me simmer.
After exchanging information, waiting 20 minutes for the cops (lucky no one was dying!) and a battle with my insurance company, I was on my way home a little worse for wear.
This story is just a prime example that you should just keep your mouth shut when it comes to piping off on the last time something happened to you and make sure you Knock on some damn wood!
~*Much Love my Bloggers*~