Saturday, April 2, 2011

My Mental workout

Living in Topeka has presented a few challenges to me. Don't get me wrong, I'm a challenge loving girl as much as the next and I attack my challenges head on. I have found that moving to a town where you know absolutely no one presents some issues when it comes to trying to fill up your time on the weekends that you get off. Its not like I can just pick up the phone and just call someone and invite them to hang out because...I know no one. SOOOOO...with the weekends that I have, I have tried to fill them with exploring my city and all the great things it has to offer. Today I plotted my trip to the local library. No keep in mind, coming from small town salina, I didn't have high hopes for this trip, our library back at home had much to be desired. I cant say the same for the Topeka Library, to be honest the moment I walked in, I was sure I was even in a library at all, it was like walking into a museum. It had a large spiraling staircase and marble floors, gorgeous wood paneling and high, high ceilings. It was in other words "beautiful". I promptly signed up for a library card, which again, unlike salina didn't require the name of my first born child and my blood type. It took 1 minute and I was on my way to book heaven. Amongst the many many different sections of the library, there was a cafe, art gallery and a genealogy station. I spent 2 1/2 hours and walked out with 5 books (max check out was 99 books, HOLY SCHMOLIES). I have an intense love for reading, but had kind of lost touch with that. Today I found that love again....and it was good LOL. I spent the day at the park on a blanket with pseudo-preggers Saydee, Pandora radio and a great book by my favorite author Sandra Brown. I realize that I don't always have to find something new in the city, maybe just rediscovering what I already loved doing just in a new environment. ~*Much Love My Bloggers*~


  1. Right, I'm really glad your doing good my friend, reading is amazing and I'm glad you could refind a lost love :) don't be a stranger yo hit me up sometime lol

  2. Have I told you how much I miss talking to you? oh i havent, ok i miss ya!
