Life has a this tendency to become...predictable. It is so easy for people to become complacent and comfortable in life. Getting wrapped up into mediocrity.
At some point in time we all had dreams to be something, do something, see something, somehow so many people lose track of that. They get sucked into the day to day, the routine of life that they forget the hopes and dreams they once coveted.
How is it that when we are young its so easy to dream big dreams, and hope big hopes, but as years pass by we begin to think them impossible.
Having dreams is what makes life tolerable...I heard this quote on TV and just couldnt believe how much it rang true.
I realize more than ever now, how much I want to go out and chase the dreams that I know will awaken me from this life in slumber.
For those of you who know me, I have recently taken on a second job (hence the delay in blog, i apologize). Why? because, i feel that I have this uncontrollable drive to get out.......get out of this sleepy town, see the world and experience the things that at one point in my life i promised myself I would do. November I start my first trek and that is going to Baltimore for a week. after that....that plan is semi unclear but as the gears in my head turn, i feel myself being pulled to do that things that at one point time were the driving force of my life.
I refuse to let fear hold me back any longer....tomorrow is never promised and we have to live for today, and I for one am going to begin living!
better late then never!
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