Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Puppy Update

Today the puppies are 3 1/2 weeks old. Which in relation to human age would make then 1 1/2 year olds. This all equals out to them being super whiny, hungry and get into everything on shaky wobbly legs.

Bless their little hearts, I love them, I really do, HOWEVER...I CANT WAIT FOR THEIR LITTLE ASSES TO BE GONE!!!!!

(sorry for the caps but its that deep!)
Its been amazing watching my babies grow up but I cant wait to see them go on to their new homes. 2 1/2 more weeks that's all I keep telling myself.
It will be crazy having just Saydee and Oakley in the house. I can almost say that it will be weird having it so quiet.

The babies are cutting teeth and trying to eat solid food. Trying being the operative word, I have tried Solid food, semi solid food and then canned puppy food. At this point, the canned puppy food is what they like, which i think it was a given.

I will keep you all updated on the progress of my babies and pictures.

~*Much Love my Bloggers*~

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Surviving the Storm

The fact that I live in tornado alley has never really bothered me. I have had some pretty darn close calls when it comes to tornado's. Yesterday I can add that to my list of close calls.

The day started out like any other day, the weather looked....normal in all aspects. I had to work at Macy's so I was pretty sad that I would not be able to go out and enjoy the gorgeous weather and the carnival that was in town.
By the time I got off of work I was pretty pooped, at that point, they sky was ominous...yea I used Ominous. There really isn't any other word to explain the sky. You could see the the wall clouds moving in and the radio was screeching something about golf ball sized hail. I stopped by Platos closet
really quick, grabbed my items and got my arse home.

1 block away from home, I thought "i refuse to let rain ruin my night", so i decided to go to walmart. Not even 15 minutes into my shopping venture, the hail began, and I don't mean baby hail, I mean HOLY SHIT hail. Amongst all the hail sounds I hear the tornado sirens, I heard them just in time for the walmart worker to come running into my aisle and direct me toward the back of the store. All i could think was, come on people its a normal tornado warning, I was wrong. Sure as shit there was a tornado on the ground.

After 2 Long hot hours and one cranky Jina later, I was able to leave walmart. 7 tornado's touched down in Kansas last night. A real night of the twisters.

WELCOME TO TORNADO ALLEY is what the sign to Kansas should say

I really wish my old storm chasing buddy could have been there with me last night

~* Much Love my Bloggers*~

Better late than never...right?


as the title of this blog post says, its better late the never. I haven't posted since the beginning of this month because it truly has been one heck of a month. SOOOOO many things have happened and I apologize but I am not going to try and jam pack them into one blog, nor am I going to post 40 posts explaining everything. Lets just chalk this lost time for a loss and keep on going from where I left off.
I will give you an update on a huge event that happened.

Saydee ended up giving birth!

She gave birth to 9 Beautiful puppies. Here i thought that I could expect only 4-5. Leave it to my dog to have me fooled.
As much as I have enjoyed the puppies being here, I will not lie that I am ready for them to leave.

I will tell you at the time of this post the puppies are officially 18 days old.

They have come a long way from day one. the puppies have opened and they are walking. Today I discovered that some of them are cutting teeth as well, which is awesome because next week I can start them on solid food. Saydee has had a hard time keeping up with all nine babies so them eating solid foods will be a God send.

I ended up with 5 Boys, 4 girls. I thought that if I was lucky I would get one rare sealed reverse brindle puppy, but crazy enough half the litter ended up this way!

At the time of this post I have also found homes for all but 1 puppy.

June 10th will be placement day for all the babies into their new homes. Some of my babies actually aren't even staying here in Kansas, 2 babies are going to Colorado and 1 is going to Ohio, what cute little travelers they are. After much debate and thinking, I finally decided to keep one of the puppies as well. One of the puppies ended up looking identical to Saydee, I was shocked since i figured that most of the would look like her. So now Saydee son will stay with us. Our little Oakley!

Ill try and document his growth as much as possible as well.
If you are all wondering why it has been so hard for me to keep up with blogging, ill be honest, I have gotten a second job, I am now officially a slave to Macy's as well. That plus the puppies, plus training for my first 1k/5k, and a rapidly growing social calendar, life has been hard to keep up with. Also after my puppies are gone, I am enrolling for the fall semester in college. I wish i could thank Saydee so much for that, her puppies are helping me afford this. I am going to start with 3-6 credit hours which will be two classes. I do not want to take on more than I can handle.

I will try to add more and more to the upcoming posts, there has just been alot that has happened and I apologize again for not including you all in the mix.

~*Much love my bloggers*~

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Any Day Now


So I am 100% sure that these puppies will be the death of me! and NO I am not being over dramatic (yes I am). I have been patiently waiting for the last two months for the arrival of these puppies. I have a genuine fear that these babies will arrive when I am not home to help with the birth.

My hopes were that Saydee would give birth this weekend, especially since I have weekends off. But to my disappointment that has not been the case. We actually had a false alarm Friday night, Saydee went into a false labor Friday night at about 12:00am, she was panting and contracting, the whole dog and pony show. But about 5am everything just stopped and she resumed life as normal. WHAT A LET DOWN!
So to date, I am back at the waiting game. I have this image in my head where Saydee's puppies are inside her belly plotting against me. They plan to stay in the safety of the womb forever......LE SIGH.
I will keep you all updated as things continue, but as I've stated before, it could be any day now...
~*Much Love My Bloggers*~

Getting my feet wet

I've said it a few times in previous posts, but I have discussed how hard it has been converting from a town I lived in for 15 years full of friends, social life and family to moving to a town where I knew absolutely no one. I was well aware that it would take some time to really establish relationships. I guess I was really afraid this loneliness would last forever.

However the longer I live here, the better it gets. Navigating the city isn't hard at all anymore. I have gotten my bearings and figured the fast ways to get places. I have also started obtaining a "social life", my world not longer coincides within the walls of my apartment.
Just last night I had a great night over at a coworkers house. Several of my coworkers showed up and we proceeded to have a night of bbqing and drinks by the chiminea. It was a great night of laughing, story telling and stress relief. It felt so good to get back into conversation and having people to talk to.

I am hoping that the longer and longer I am here I can eventually call some of these people good friends. It never fails to amaze me the great people you meet in life.....

In this moment I just feel so alive :)

~*Much Love My Bloggers*~